We are committed to fulfilling our responsibility of welcoming more than 10 million visitors every day at our 3,000 stations. Our goal? To provide the best possible experience for our customers, passengers, and carriers.

Safety, cleanliness and convenience
Stations must be and feel safe, welcoming, clean and convenient for everyone. This is our guarantee of hospitality. Our teams work every day to improve the visitors’ experience in our stations.
Stations accessible to everyone
We all need to be able to move around the station, from the forecourt to the trains, via the main building and the platforms. Whether you are disabled, elderly, pregnant, carrying heavy luggage or pushing a baby stroller, nothing should obstruct your freedom of movement.
We are investing jointly with local authorities to make the 160 largest stations in the country fully accessible by 2025.
New solutions and applications are being tested to complement the current range of support services: hearing aids (sound beacons, etc.), connected objects (vibrating bracelets, headsets, etc.) and visual aids (augmented reality guidance solutions).
Innovating to improve service quality
The in-station experience can be enhanced thanks to the development of new technologies and data analytics, by improving visitor flow management and equipment maintenance. We are working to develop better connected and more intelligent stations to improve our service offering and, therefore, the day-to-day use of stations.

Culture at the station
The 10 million passengers and visitors who pass through stations daily have encountered works of art representing all forms of creativity: photography, drawing, sculpture, comic strips, music, etc. Art in stations is a new invitation to travel.