Vue du Hall de départ de la Gare de Lyon avec de nombreux voyageurs
© Maxime Huriez

Open a business at the station

Any plan to install a commercial business at a station must correspond to a vacant site and is subject to a tender on our dedicated platform.

Access procedures

A candidate wishing to open a commercial activity may also express unprompted interest in a spot at the station. SNCF Retail & Connexions will conduct a tender process to determine the successful candidate.

Analysis of an offer

When analysing an offer, SNCF Retail & Connexions assesses the suitability of the candidate’s project to operating conditions at the station: offer of products, layout, compliance with technical regulations, etc. The project’s estimated financial data is examined during this analysis.

Signing a tenancy agreement

As stations are public domain, contracts signed with operators are not commercial leases but tenancy agreements characterised by: absence of right to entry and commercial ownership, a period that will take into account amortisation of investments and rent, part of which is a fixed percentage of turnover.

Commerces en gare
© Matthieu Lee Vigneau

Stations, a new idea of commerce

With ideal town centre locations and often set in exceptional buildings, stations have become important places for commercial activity.