SNCF Gares & Connexions is the expert in Design and Operation of train stations in France. Our teams endeavour to make stations more attractive, convenient and safer for passengers.

A public interest service

Passenger information, provision of clean, safe and comfortable spaces, maintenance of public assets... SNCF Gares & Connexions currently manages France's 3,000 stations in conjunction with local authorities and transport operators as part of the missions entrusted to us by the Law of 27 June 2018 (see section on Legislative acts).

Our commitments

Our entire organisation is committed to making stations:

  • More attractive and cleaner, with useful in-station services to support new practices
  • Safer, with boosted presence of security crews and work with NGOs providing support to homeless people.
  • More convenient for everyone: Accessibility is the biggest expenditure, with nearly 300 million euros to be invested annually over the next few years to make stations more accessible to disabled and reduced-mobility passengers.
  • Greener with the development of solar panels installed on our land property.

Our requirements

We have placed operational excellence at the core of our operation, based on several requirements: 

  • Operational agility for turnkey solutions tailored to each local authority, whether to develop large stations or build small stopovers.
  • A guarantee of full control over costs, deadlines and the initial programme.
  • Transparency in our organisation, with a Performance Contract signed with each Region.
  • Operational discipline: Steering committees are organised throughout the project. 
  • Customer satisfaction: Our teams are always ready to listen and adapt in a spirit of co-construction with our clients.

Our key figures

€1.9 billion revenue

including €1 billion in toll revenues and nearly €300 million in commercial income in 2023

5,000 employees and 15,000 people

work in stations every day to ensure that SNCF Gares & Connexions remains the station specialist in all stations, from the largest to the smallest

+10 million visitors

to our 3,000 stations throughout France

45 stations listed as Historic Monuments

including in particular the Gare du Nord, Europe's largest railway station

Our history

SNCF Gares & Connexions was created on 7 April 2009 in response to a dual challenge: The gradual opening of the rail transport market to competition and the boom of transports. Since then, the governance of SNCF Gares & Connexions has constantly sought to make the station a genuine "urban integrator".

Excerpts of Law

Excerpts of Law 2018-515 of 27th June 2018 for a new rail contract.