Because the station brings together all mobility options, SNCF Gares & Connexions offers the fairest and best possible service to non-rail transport operators.
Our ambitions for developing mobility
Around the station you will find metros, trams, buses and bicycles, not forgetting individual cars and taxis... SNCF Gares & Connexions makes it a priority to:
- develop intermodal transport to make access to the station smoother, this includes developing innovative experiments.
- guarantee fair and transparent access to facilities and services at stations for all operators to benefit their customers.
Our ambition with the towns is to transform the stations into real ecomobility platforms.

Our offers
The station is a place for all types of traffic and all means of transportation. This is why its offer is adapting to new uses:
Plan Vélo
Pour répondre aux exigences environnementales et sociétales et à l’usage croissant des modes doux, SNCF Gares & Connexions soutient le développement des modes intermodaux aux abords et au sein des gares et notamment l’offre vélo avec l’augmentation du stationnement en abri sécurisé.
Bicycle plan
In order to respond to environmental and societal demands and the increasing use of soft modes of transport, SNCF Gares & Connexions supports the development of intermodal solutions around and within its stations, particularly with the bicycle plan with increased parking in secure shelters.
Access to road facilities on station premises for coaches / buses
As a regulated service, access to public transport road facilities at stations and associated services responds to precise rules.
Rules for accessing road facilities & associated services
The national document covers all of the stations. It is supplemented by a regional document for some stations in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Grand Est.
June 2022 version
DRG aménagement routiers - national - version juin 2022
Demande d'accès V022022
Annexe 3bis : Formulaire
Annexe 3: Gares Routières SNCF Gares & Connexions
Règles accès aménagements routiers - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - version juin 2022
Règles accès aménagements routiers - Grand Est - version juin 2022
Règles accès aménagements routiers - Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - version juin 2022
Contact us
To make use of our road facility offers, your request must be made to one of our Station Regional Departments who will respond and enter discussions about the spaces/services requested within a maximum of 3 weeks. They will provide a justified response within 3 months of the date of receiving the full request from the company / organising authority.