An organisation as close as possible to the regions and transport operators

National governance

Organisation, management and major orientations: The governance of SNCF Gares & Connexions is based on the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

Territorial organisation

The regional divisions support SNCF Gares & Connexions' national action, providing solutions and responses that are as close as possible to the regions and the needs of the French people.

Our subsidiaries and joint ventures

In its mission to renovate and develop the network's 3,000 railway stations, SNCF Gares & Connexions has become an aggregator of diverse skills and has acquired specific expertise that are pooled into subsidiaries.

A single point of contact for greater simplicity

The Carrier Customer Department, established in January 2016, is the single point of contact of each carrier. It is available to take into account the carriers' strategies and needs in order to build innovative, tailor-made solutions jointly with them.