Car parks

Station car parks are adapting to new modes of transport. Many station car parks allow parking of bicycles and motorbikes. Some offer the option to access charging terminals for electric vehicles. Aix TGV station has tested a system of solar panel parking shades with spaces underneath where electric cars can charge their batteries.

Even more ambitiously, in partnership with Vinci Énergies, Accenture and Nissan, SNCF Gares & Connexions has developed, again at Aix TGV station, a vehicle project to store energy and redistribute it in a smart network. The aim is to make the station energy autonomous by producing electricity from solar panels and hydrogen.

« Free floating »

The boom in new self-service mobility options, whether electric or human-powered (scooters, bicycles and mopeds), is an opportunity for stations to test new things. In September 2018, Paris-Lyon and Paris-Est stations conducted a pilot scheme for a free floating system for these new modes of transport at dedicated parking zones in partnership with the start-ups Lime and Bird for scooters, Mobike and Ofo for bicycles and CityScoot and Coup for mopeds.

Lime teamed up for this with the association Aries, who since 2014 have provided multi-service back-to-work projects at Parisian stations. The tasks that Lime entrusts to the beneficiaries involve repositioning poorly parked vehicles in the dedicated parking zones, storing and charging the scooters at night and also cleaning and maintenance.