Published on 27 January 2025

SA SNCF Gares & Connexions, Publisher of the Site, is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with article 47 of law 2005-102 dated 11 February 2005.

In this regard, it is implementing the following strategy and actions:

  • Implementation of the 2020-2022 multi-year accessibility plan of the SNCF Group.
  • 2020-2021 action plan.

This accessibility declaration applies to

Accessibility declaration applying to the Assist’enGare assistance request form (

Compliance status

The site is partially compliant with the general guidelines for improvement of accessibility (RGAA) version 4.1 due to the non-compliance issues and exemptions listed below.

Result of tests

The compliance audit carried out by the Digital Accessibility Team reveals that:

  • 61% of the RGAA 4.1 criteria are met 
  • The average compliance rate of the online service (average of each page’s compliance rates) however is 96%

Non-accessible content

Non-compliance issues:

  • On all pages, images not conveying information are not correctly ignored by assistance technologies.
  • Images conveying information have no textual alternative or it is not appropriate.
  • Multiple frames have the same title on the same page.
  • Some frames have an inappropriate title.
  • Some textual content and interface components do not have sufficiently contrasted colours in relation to their background.
  • The position of an item in the lost property report form is only given by the colour.
  • Multiple tables have the same title on the same page.
  • Some links do not have a title or it is not clear.
  • The buttons to control the video on the homepage do not have a textual representation (play/pause and mute/unmute)
  • Some elements (links, fields, buttons) cannot be accessed by tabbing and are incompatible with assistance technologies.
  • There are errors in the source code and in the native use of tags.
  • The title of the homepage “Let’s create a new station experience” does not tell anything about the page content.
  • Some focus indicators are not showing.
  • The document structure is not always satisfactory.
  • Tags are only used for presentation purposes.
  • Some information presentation control elements are included in the HTML whereas they are meant for CSS.
  • The unhelpful use of the plain background of the navigation menu might be a problem for some users.
  • There is only one navigation system on the site and it does not always have the same appearance or is not placed in the same position.
  • The status or error messages in the forms are not satisfactory. Some labels are not correctly associated with the fields concerned and entry format suggestions are missing.
  • Downloadable office documents are not accessible.
  • Downloadable documents are only indicated by logos (no indication of file format or size).
  • Several elements lose visibility and content when the format is modified (e.g. overlapping of characters when zooming to 200%, with character spacing function, unresponsive view).
  • Modal windows appear in a random manner and it is not possible to control them.



  • Station maps and station zoning maps cannot be made accessible.


Content not subject to accessibility obligation:

  • None

Drafting of this accessibility declaration

This declaration was drafted on 28/01/22.

Technology used to carry out the audit

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Test environment

Checks on rendering of content have been done based on the stratagem provided by the RGAA 4.1 test environments, with the following versions:

User AgentAssistance Technology
Firefox 87NVDA 2020.4


Tools for assessing accessibility: 

  • Colour Contrast Analyser
  • Stylus
  • Web developer toolbar
  • Headingmaps

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access some content or a service, you can contact the manager of the site to be directed to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another form.