Published on 19 September 2019

“Within the national rail transport system mentioned in article L. 2100-1, the public group is specifically tasked with:

(…) Operating and developing, in a transparent and non-discriminatory way, passenger stations and other service facilities related to the national rail network”

Art. L. 2111-9 – paragraph 5 - The unified management of passenger stations, through a subsidiary having organisational, decision-making and financial autonomy;”

Art. L. 21 11-9-1. The subsidiary mentioned in the para. 5 of article L. 2111-9 is tasked with ensuring, in compliance with the principles of public service, the unified management of passenger stations. In this regard, it is specifically tasked with:

“1. Ensuring that the rail transport companies have a quality public service by providing, in a transparent and non-discriminatory way, the services at stations as mentioned in article L. 2123-1;

“2. Ensuring that the different modes of individual and collective transport complement each other well and encouraging their cooperation, in compliance with article L. 1211-3;

“3. Contributing to the balanced development of regions, particularly by ensuring that its investment decisions are coherent with local urban planning policies and ensuring a suitable balance of resources and expenses between the stations that it manages.

“It is subject to legislation applicable to limited companies. ”

Art. L. 2111-9-2.- The charges levied for the provision of station services to rail transport companies incite the station management to improve performances. They may be established over a long-term period not exceeding five years. ”

Art. L. 211 1 -9-3.- The management of large stations or relevant groups of passenger stations is overseen by a consultation committee. This committee includes representatives of the stations management, the concerned transport authorities, mobility authorities and other concerned local authorities, rail transport companies and users. Among other things it is consulted about investment projects in and around the station, services at the station, coordination of offers and multimodal transport, passenger information, quality of service and, in general, any questions regarding services provided at the station.

Art. L. 2111-10-1 A.- The subsidiary mentioned in paragraph 5 of article L. 2111-9 concludes a long-term contract with the State. In particular this contract determines the objectives assigned to the station management when it comes to quality of service, financial trajectory, rail companies’ access to stations, security, renovation and cleanliness of stations and balanced development of regions. ”