Stations create value for the towns, for the carriers and for the ten million people who visit them daily. SNCF Gares & Connexions has a Station Access Point for Rail Companies to help it to meet the demands of new rail carriers in the best possible conditions. A Key Accounts Department was also created in January 2016. This enables neutral, constructive and innovative dialogue with our carrier clients.
We want to hear your strategy
By allocating you a dedicated contact person who will listen to your strategy and your needs in detail, we want to put the SNCF Gares & Connexions team and expertise at your service. Our team of Key Accounts Managers has been appointed for this very purpose, to unite the branch, better coordinate our actions and bring all the SNCF Gares & Connexions departments and regions together around customer satisfaction.
Ensuring good coordination
The Key Accounts manager is the voice of their client on a project. They defend their interests within the branch. They must also consider the challenges for SNCF Gares & Connexions and our capacity to innovate. A Key Accounts team supports them by ensuring coordination of the system, coordinating with regulatory authorities and ensuring compliance of regulatory tasks related to access to the station and its equipment.
Customised Solutions
We are guarantors of the success of your projects and put our expertise at your service. Our objectives: responding to your needs at our stations. To do this we offer customised solutions ranging from project management support and project management to publicity or institutional campaigns, provision of spaces and premises or tenant or owner maintenance.