Transport hub and community space
The concept of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) aims to arrange urban zones around a collective transport hub. The station is often the focal point of a TOD strategy looking to provide inclusive access for all to opportunities and local resources by using the most effective combination of mobility modes to achieve the lowest possible financial and environmental cost.

Expertise acquired in France
In France, SNCF Hubs & Connexions has 20 years’ experience in Transit Oriented Development. We carry out over 100 TOD projects per year across the country. These programmes are sometimes large such as at Gare du Nord which has over 700,000 visitors per day. They can also be more modest in size with projects in rural areas or less densely populated places, such as at Cannes station. This expertise comes from the skills of the SNCF Group, whether in terms of design, financial structuring (public, public/private or fully private), maximisation of revenue or development, always with a customised service approach.
Our international projects
Sri Lanka - Pettah
SNCF Hubs & Connexions is working, as part of a consortium consisting of Hubs & Connexions, EGIS and AREP, on a technical and financial feasibility study for Pettah multimodal transport hub. This hub is strategic infrastructure that will be at the heart of Colombo’s public transport and will serve the business district of Sri Lanka’s capital.
United Arab Emirates - Dubai
AREP has been commissioned for its TOD expertise. SNCF Hubs & Connexions provides consultancy for AREP in Retail expertise.
India - Bangalore and Pune
On 10th June 2019, a tripartite technical assistance agreement was signed between SNCF Hubs & Connexions, the French Development Agency and Indian Railway Stations Development Corporation. The 2-year project involved training of local staff and a study into the renovation, particularly commercial renovation, of five Indian stations: Bangalore, Pune, Secunderabad, Anand Vihar and Chandigarh. SNCF Hubs & Connexions first provided technical diagnosis of the stations’ status and operations, before preparing for the works and selecting partners for future renovation.