Intermodal transport around your station

Plan your journeys and connections

Bike parking

Abri vélo ouvert

Bike parking

A l'entrée du parking sur votre gauche


Bike shelters

Abri à Vélos Sécurisé

Bike shelters

Around the station


Meeting point Car pool

Aire de covoiturage

Meeting point Car pool

Selon opérateur choisi

Times unavailable

Drop-off point

Dépose minute

Drop-off point

A droite en sortant du bâtiment voyageur, sur le parvis


Car and motorbike parking

Parking voitures

Car and motorbike parking

A gauche en sortant du bâtiment voyageur


Discover the map of the rail network in the region: Normandie

Discover all the stations, rail and road lines in the region operated by SNCF.

Public transport around the station

The region's network: Transports Normandie

The department's network : NOMAD Eure