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Stade de France - Saint Denis / Défibrillateur et Bornes Transilien / Grandes Lignes

Self-service ticket machine

Buy tickets

Inside the ticket office building.

Stade de France - Saint Denis / Bornes Transilien

Transilien ticket machines

Buy tickets

7 machines outside and one inside

Times unavailable
Stade de France - Saint Denis / Défibrillateur et Bornes Transilien / Grandes Lignes


Health and safety

Inside the ticket office building.

Times unavailable

Paris & Île-de-France Tickets

Buy tickets

In the station


Disabled Passenger Assistance service desk

Travel assistance

At the counter

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Closed

Free WiFi

Entertainment and business

In the station

Times unavailable

Travel assistance

Disabled Passenger Assistance service desk

Travel assistance

At the counter

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Closed

Buy tickets

Stade de France - Saint Denis / Défibrillateur et Bornes Transilien / Grandes Lignes

Self-service ticket machine

Buy tickets

Inside the ticket office building.

Stade de France - Saint Denis / Bornes Transilien

Transilien ticket machines

Buy tickets

7 machines outside and one inside

Times unavailable

Paris & Île-de-France Tickets

Buy tickets

In the station


Health and safety

Stade de France - Saint Denis / Défibrillateur et Bornes Transilien / Grandes Lignes


Health and safety

Inside the ticket office building.

Times unavailable

Entertainment and business

Borne de recherche d'emploi Huclink

Entertainment and business

Dans la gare


Free WiFi

Entertainment and business

In the station

Times unavailable

Work & Station

Entertainment and business

In the glass waiting area of Stade de France - Saint-Denis station

Times unavailable


Stade de France - Saint Denis / Photomaton

Photo booth


On the right of the ticket office, behind the defibrillator.
