Intermodal transport around your station

Plan your journeys and connections

Car pool parking

Aire de covoiturage

Car pool parking

Lieu à définir avec le covoitureur

Times unavailable

Bike parking

Arceaux vélos (12)

Bike parking

A droite du parvis de la Gare

Times unavailable

Car and motorbike parking

Parking 1

Car and motorbike parking

Sur le parvis de la Gare

Times unavailable

Parking 2

Car and motorbike parking

A gauche de la Gare, à 50 mètres

Times unavailable

Discover the map of the rail network in the region: Grand Est

Discover all the stations, rail and road lines in the region operated by SNCF.

Public transport around the station

The region's network: Fluo

The department's network : Fluo Grand Est 88