Discover your station's services and shops
Take advantage of the station's services, shops and restaurants to make your life easier.

Health and safety
In multimodal transport information concourse
Times unavailable
Disabled passenger waiting area
Travel assistance
In station’s main concourse
Times unavailable
Ticket office (multimodal)
Buy tickets
In the station
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Closed

Disabled passenger assistance service
Travel assistance
The meeting point is at the information point in the station’s central concourse
Free Automatic Toilets
south tunnel, opposite the station’s Agora café
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open
Travel assistance

Disabled passenger waiting area
Travel assistance
In station’s main concourse
Times unavailable

Disabled passenger assistance service
Travel assistance
The meeting point is at the information point in the station’s central concourse

Free Automatic Toilets
south tunnel, opposite the station’s Agora café
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility OpenReception and waiting area
Buy tickets

Ticket office (multimodal)
Buy tickets
In the station
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Closed

Société Générale
on the forecourt of the SNCF station.
Currently in process of installation, this service will be functional by June
Times unavailable