Update of data

Information is communicated in real time thanks to sensors for the major Parisian and provincial stations. For Île-de-France stations the data is updated twice a day.

Lifts - PRM elevators
In service (11) Out of service (0) Unknown status (9)
In service (39) Out of service (1) Unknown status (0)

Lifts - PRM elevators
Name / Location State
Ascenseur - AS 13 VGL1 Transmanche - Cour Napoléon Hall 2 - Niv+1 - Terminal Transmanche / Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes In service In service
Ascenseur - AS 15 Transmanche voies 5/6 Hall 2 - Niv+1 - Terminal Transmanche / Hall 2 - Niv0 - Voie 5 In service In service
Ascenseur - AS12 VGL2 Transmanche - Cour Napoléon Hall 2 - Niv+1 - Terminal Transmanche / Hall 1- Niv-1 In service In service
Ascenseur - AS4 Niveaux 0 -1 / Mezzanine / Quai 41-43 Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 30 à  36 / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 42 et 43 In service In service
Ascenseur - AS5 - Gare principale / Dalle routière / Hall Gare principale / Dalle routià¨re / Hall In service In service
Ascenseur - AS6 - Niveau 0 - Mezzanine - Voies 42/44 Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 30 à  36 / Hall 4 - Niv-3 -Voies 42 et 44 In service In service
Ascenseur - AS7 - Mezzanine Nord – voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 In service In service
Ascenseur - AS8 - Mezzanine Nord – voies 42/44 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 -Voies 42 et 44 In service In service
Ascenseur - Triplex EOLE - AS1A (2106) Dalle routière/mezzanine accès Niv+1 - Sorties 1 et 8 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Ascenseur - Triplex EOLE - AS1C - Mezzanine <==> Dalle routière Niv+1 - Sorties 1 et 8 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Ascenseur - Triplex EOLE- AS1B - Mezzanine <==> Dalle routière Niv+1 - Sorties 1 et 8 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Ascenseur - AS14 Transmanche voies 3/4 Hall 2 - Niv+1 - Terminal Transmanche / Hall 2 - Niv0 - Voies 3 et 4 Unknown status Unknown status
Ascenseur - Asc 25 - Asc de secours Eurostar Channel Hall 1 / Hall 2 (terminal Trans Manche) Unknown status Unknown status
ascenseur - ascenseur CAF (Centre d'affaires) Hall 1- Niv+3 / Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes Unknown status Unknown status
ascenseur - Lounge 1 Lounge 1 Unknown status Unknown status
ascenseur - Lounge 2 Lounge 2 Unknown status Unknown status
ascenseur - Magasin Grand Relais Magasin Grand Relais Unknown status Unknown status
Ascenseur - Orphea 2 (FILTRE VERT) Unknown status Unknown status
ascenseur - Orphéa 1 Unknown status Unknown status
ascenseur - Orphéa 2 Unknown status Unknown status

Name / Location State
Esc mec - EM 39 - Mezzanine <==> quai 30/31 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 30 et 31 Out of service Out of service
Esc mec - 4A Mezzanine Banlieue <==> Plateforme voies 30/36 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Esc mec - 35 A - Mezzanine <==> Quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Esc mec - 35 B - Mezzanine <==> Quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 In service In service
Esc mec - 36 A - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 42/44 Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 42 et 44 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Esc mec - 36 B - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 42/44 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 42 et 44 In service In service
Esc mec - 4B mezzanine Banlieue <==> plateforme voies 30/036 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 30 à 36 In service In service
Esc mec - Alizé Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes / Hall 2 - Niv+1 - Termainal Transmanche In service In service
Esc mec - EM 10A - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 42/44 Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 42 et 44 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Esc mec - EM 10B - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 42/44 Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 42 et 44 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Esc mec - EM 11 A - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 11 B - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 12 A - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 42 et 44 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 12 B - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 42 et 44 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 16 - Mezzanine <==> quai voies 34/35 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Quai 34-35 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 25 - Mezzanine <-==> quai voies 32/33 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 32 et 33 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 37 - Mezzanine <==> quai voies 32/33 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 32 et 33 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 44 - Mezzanine <==> quai 34/35 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 34 et 35 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 47 - Mezzanine <==> quai 30/31 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 30 et 31 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 5 A - Niveau 0 <==> niveau 1 gauche Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes / Hall 1 - Niv-1 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 5 B - niveau 0 <==> niveau 1, coté droit Hall 1 - Niv-1 / Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes In service In service
Esc mec - EM 51 - Mezzanine <==> quai voies 32/33 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 32 et 33 In service In service
esc mec - EM 53 A - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
esc mec - EM 53 B - Mezzanine <==> quai RER voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 7 - Mezzanine coté voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 1 - Niv-1 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 8 - mezzanine coté 42/44 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 1 - Niv-1 In service In service
Esc mec - EM 9A - Mezzanine <==> quai voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Esc mec - EM 9B - Mezzanine <-> quai voies 41/43 Hall 4 - Niv-3 - Voies 41 et 43 / Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue In service In service
Esc mec - EM20 / Mezzanine blanlieue <==> Voies 34/35 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 34 et 35 In service In service
Esc mec - EM27 Mezzanine banlieue <==> Voies 30/31 Hall 4 - Niv-2 - Mezzanine banlieue / Hall 3B - Niv0 - Voies 30 et 31 In service In service
Esc mec - EM6 Niveau 0 >>dalle routière Hall 1 / Dalle routière In service In service
Esc mec - Maubeuge Droit Hall 5 - Niv-1 - Souterrain Maubeuge / Niv0 - Sortie 9 - Rue de Maubeuge In service In service
Esc mec - Maubeuge Gauche Niv0 - Sortie 9 - Rue de Maubeuge / Hall 5 - Niv-1 - Souterrain Maubeuge In service In service
Esc mec - Taxi droit - QT Hall 1 - Niv-1 - Consignes Conciergerie / Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes In service In service
Esc mec - Taxi gauche - QT Hall 1 - Niv0 - Quai Grandes Lignes / Hall 1 - Niv-1 - Consignes Conciergerie In service In service
Esc mec - voie 18 droit Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes / Hall 1 - Niv-1 In service In service
Esc mec - voie 18 gauche - QT Hall 1 - Niv-1 / Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes In service In service
Esc mec - voie 7 - QT Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes / Hall 1 - Niv-1 In service In service
Esc mec - Voie 8 droit - QT Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes / Hall 1 - Niv-1 In service In service
Esc mec - voie 8 gauche - QT Hall 1 - Niv-1 / Hall 1 - Niv0 - Voies Grandes Lignes In service In service