Discover your station's services and shops
Take advantage of the station's services, shops and restaurants to make your life easier.

Self-service ticket machines
Buy tickets
Machines located all around the station (concourses, cross platform and metro level).
Mainlines ticket office
Buy tickets
Alsace concourse.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Closed

Information point - Paris & IdF
Reception and waiting area
On the cross platform, between tracks 15 and 18.
Disabled passenger assistance service
Travel assistance
Entrance on Rue d’Alsace near tracks 2 and 3
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open

Paris & IdF tickets
Buy tickets
On the cross platform, between tracks 15 and 18.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open

Travel assistance

Disabled passenger assistance service
Travel assistance
Entrance on Rue d’Alsace near tracks 2 and 3
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open

Reception and waiting area

Waiting area
Reception and waiting area
In station, level 0, opposite tracks 22 and 23
Waiting area
Reception and waiting area
In station, level 0, opposite tracks 10 and 11
Reception and waiting area
On the cross platform, opposite tracks 7 and 8.

Information point - Paris & IdF
Reception and waiting area
On the cross platform, between tracks 15 and 18.

Grand Voyageur TGV INOUI lounge
Reception and waiting area
On the cross platform, opposite tracks 2 and 3.
Buy tickets

Navigo Services Agency
Buy tickets
In passage between the cross platform and central concourse.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Closed

Self-service ticket machines
Buy tickets
Machines located all around the station (concourses, cross platform and metro level).
Mainlines ticket office
Buy tickets
Alsace concourse.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Closed

Paris & IdF tickets
Buy tickets
On the cross platform, between tracks 15 and 18.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility OpenHealth and safety

Hand sanitiser dispenser
Health and safety
There are three dispensers at your station:
- On the cross platform, Alsace side
- On the cross platform, Saint Martin side
- By the metro in front of toilets entrance


- By the Rue d'Alsace entrance
- By the passage between the cross platform and the central concourse
- By the passage between the cross platform and the St Martin concourse

Cash machine
- Opposite track 12 in the passage between the cross platform and the central part of the station
- Access via the Alsace concourse
- Access via the St Martin concourse