Discover your station's services and shops

Take advantage of the station's services, shops and restaurants to make your life easier.


Partner left-luggage services

Travel assistance

5-minute walk around the station

Fontaine à eau SUD

Water Fountain


South Hall, level 0, near the Toilets area

Fontaine à eau Nord

Water Fountain


North Hall, level 0, near the Access ramp


Lost & Found

Travel assistance

On the right of Carrefour, South exit, level 0

Borne libre service

Self-service ticket machine

Buy tickets

In the station, level 2, between the platform access zones

Times unavailable
Borne libre service TER

TER self-service ticket machines

Buy tickets

In station, level 0, South side

Times unavailable
Bornes libre service

Self-service ticket machines

Buy tickets

In station, level 0, South side

Times unavailable

Self-service ticket machines

Buy tickets

In station, level 0, North side

Times unavailable
Distributeur Billets Régionaux

Regional Ticket Machines

Buy tickets

In the ticket office, north exit (level 0)

Times unavailable

SNCF ticket machines

Buy tickets

In the North departures hall, south side and on the mezzanine

Times unavailable


Health and safety

The south AED is near the disabled passenger assistance service

Times unavailable

Ticket counters - North station

Buy tickets

Arrivals hall - north exit, level 0


Disabled passenger assistance service

Travel assistance

On ground floor of mezzanine, south side of station

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open

North toilets


In the North Arrivals Hall. 

Fee: €1.00

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open
Toilettes SUD

South automatic toilets


On ground floor of mezzanine, south side of station. 

Fee:  €1


Free WiFi

Entertainment and business

Free and unlimited WiFi is available in the station concourse and the mezzanine but is not guaranteed on the platforms.


Times unavailable

Travel assistance

Partner left-luggage services

Travel assistance

5-minute walk around the station


Lost & Found

Travel assistance

On the right of Carrefour, South exit, level 0


Disabled passenger assistance service

Travel assistance

On ground floor of mezzanine, south side of station

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open


North toilets


In the North Arrivals Hall. 

Fee: €1.00

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open
Toilettes SUD

South automatic toilets


On ground floor of mezzanine, south side of station. 

Fee:  €1


Reception and waiting area

Young passenger service desk

Reception and waiting area

Junior & Cie meeting point, marked by an adapted sign. Information terminal in the North departures hall


Times unavailable

Waiting area

Reception and waiting area

In the station, level 2, at south side of concourse 

Times unavailable
Espace d'attente en mezzanine

Waiting area - Mezzanine

Reception and waiting area

On the Mezzanine, level 2

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open
Places prioritairess

Priority seats

Reception and waiting area

On ground floor to south of station. Opposite the "Disabled Passenger Assistance" service

Point rencontre hall Nord

Meeting point

Reception and waiting area

North departures hall

Times unavailable
Salon Grand Voyageur TGV INOUI

Grand Voyageur TGV INOUI lounge

Reception and waiting area

On the mezzanine, North station


Buy tickets

Borne libre service

Self-service ticket machine

Buy tickets

In the station, level 2, between the platform access zones

Times unavailable
Borne libre service TER

TER self-service ticket machines

Buy tickets

In station, level 0, South side

Times unavailable
Bornes libre service

Self-service ticket machines

Buy tickets

In station, level 0, South side

Times unavailable

Self-service ticket machines

Buy tickets

In station, level 0, North side

Times unavailable
Distributeur Billets Régionaux

Regional Ticket Machines

Buy tickets

In the ticket office, north exit (level 0)

Times unavailable

SNCF ticket machines

Buy tickets

In the North departures hall, south side and on the mezzanine

Times unavailable

Ticket counters - North station

Buy tickets

Arrivals hall - north exit, level 0


Health and safety



Health and safety

The south AED is near the disabled passenger assistance service

Times unavailable
Gel hydro-alcoolique

Hand sanitiser

Health and safety

available at station main entrances and also at entrance of the attended toilets (2theloo)

Times unavailable

Entertainment and business

Station piano

Entertainment and business

In North departures hall


Prises électriques

USB and plug sockets

Entertainment and business

USB and plug sockets are available in the mezzanine’s waiting areas

Times unavailable

Free WiFi

Entertainment and business

Free and unlimited WiFi is available in the station concourse and the mezzanine but is not guaranteed on the platforms.


Times unavailable

Discover the local area

Stade de la Beaujoire

Discover the local area

Route de Saint-Joseph, 44300 Nantes


Times unavailable


Fontaine à eau SUD

Water Fountain


South Hall, level 0, near the Toilets area

Fontaine à eau Nord

Water Fountain


North Hall, level 0, near the Access ramp




Outside the station, south side, Rue de Lourmel

Amazon Locker

Collect & Station - Amazon Locker


On north forecourt next to the bicycle parking


Collect&Station - Pickup Station


On north forecourt next to the bicycle parking


Cash machine


In the station

Times unavailable



Machine in middle of South ramp

Times unavailable

Photo booth


On ground floor of mezzanine. North side of station. 

In middle of South ramp

Times unavailable
Photomaton rampe sud

Photo booth


In middle of South ramp

Times unavailable
Pickup Station

Pick'Up Station


Outside the station, level 0, near the bicycle parking

Times unavailable
Retrait société générale

Société Générale


Cash machines In North Arrivals Hall

Times unavailable