- Schedules not available
- Chaussée Brunehaut 59980 Honnechy
- Practical information
La gare comme si vous y étiez
Retrouvez tous vos horaires en temps réel !
Vous pouvez accéder au détail du train en cliquant sur sa ligne.
Find all your timetables in real time!
You can access train details by clicking on its line.
Intermodality around your station
Anticipate your journeys and transfer points.
SNCF Gares & Connexions offers a wide range of solutions to make it easier for you to get to and from the station.

Find accessibility information for your station and the assistance service at stations
Planning to take a train but have reduced mobility?
We offer an assistance service at stations for people with disabilities and reduced mobility to help you to travel by train.
Reporting lost property
You can now report lost property online. You can also report it at one of our Lost & Found offices at stations.
Find more Services at your nearby station : Saint-Quentin
Find more services at your nearby station : Saint-Quentin

Accès plus
Travel assistance
Phone: 0 890 640 650
Fax: 0 825 825 957.
The disabled passenger should arrive 30 minutes before their train departs
Times unavailable