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Transilien ticket machines
Buy tickets
Level 0, in the concourse before the gates, one machine on the left and one on the right of the ticket office.

Paris & Île-de-France Tickets
Buy tickets
Level 0, in the concourse before the boarding gates.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open

Disabled Passenger Assistance service desk
Travel assistance
Exterior elevator quai d'Orsay
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open
Level 0, in corridor before entrance to concourse and gates.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility Open
Travel assistance

Disabled Passenger Assistance service desk
Travel assistance
Exterior elevator quai d'Orsay
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility OpenToilets

Level 0, in corridor before entrance to concourse and gates.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility OpenReception and waiting area

Buy tickets

Transilien ticket machines
Buy tickets
Level 0, in the concourse before the gates, one machine on the left and one on the right of the ticket office.
Paris & Île-de-France Tickets
Buy tickets
Level 0, in the concourse before the boarding gates.
Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility OpenHealth and safety