Update of data

Information is communicated in real time thanks to sensors for the major Parisian and provincial stations. For Île-de-France stations the data is updated twice a day.

Lifts - PRM elevators
In service (2) Out of service (0) Unknown status (0)
In service (5) Out of service (0) Unknown status (0)

Lifts - PRM elevators
Name / Location State
ASC.PMR 3081 Quai 1 voie 1/3 Voies 1 et 3 / souterrain In service In service
ASC.PMR 3082 Quai 2 VOIE 2/4 Voies 2 et 4 / souterrain In service In service

Name / Location State
ESC.MEC L015 grand droite Salle des colonnes In service In service
ESC.MEC L016 petit droite Salle des colonnes In service In service
ESC.MEC L017 grand gauche Salle des colonnes In service In service
ESC.MEC L018 petit gauche Salle des colonnes In service In service
ESC.MEC L020 Quai RATP Quai 2 Quai / souterrain In service In service