Intermodal transport around your station

Plan your journeys and connections

Intercity coaches


Car 641 - Bus Hérault Transport

Intercity coaches

Dir. Nissan les Ensérune

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Car 642 - Bus Hérault Transport

Intercity coaches

Dir. Capestang - Montouliers

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Car 643 - Bus Hérault Transport

Intercity coaches

Dir. Roquebrun

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Car 652 - Bus Hérault Transport

Intercity coaches

Dir. Lespignan

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Car 653 - Bus Hérault Transport

Intercity coaches

Dir. Vendres

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Car 654 - Bus Hérault Transport

Intercity coaches

Dir. La Salvetat sur Agout - Saint Pons de Thomières - Saint Chinian

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.

Airport shuttle


Navette 660 - Gare SNCF

Airport shuttle

Dir. Aéroport Béziers Cap d'Agde Hérault Occitanie

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.

City buses


Bus A - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. La Méridienne

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Bus B - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. Pôle commercial Ginieisse

Dir. Avenue de la Devèze

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Bus E - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. De Gaulle

Dir. Port conchylicole

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Bus F - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. De Gaulle

Dir. Gasquinoy

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Bus G - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. Zatopek

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Bus 5 - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. De Gaulle

Dir. Capiscol Est

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Bus 7 - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. De Gaulle

Dir. Jean Moulin

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.


Bus R2 - Gare SNCF

City buses

Dir. De Gaulle

Dir. Mas de Montflourès

On station forecourt, on the right as you exit.

Discover the map of the rail network in the region: Occitanie

Discover all the stations, rail and road lines in the region operated by SNCF.

Public transport around the station

The region's network: Lio

The department's network : Lio