Intermodal transport around your station

Plan your journeys and connections

City buses

Ligne rouge

Bus Ligne rouge - Arrêt Gare

City buses

Dir. Zone artisanale de Kerbois

On Place Raoul Dautry, 56400 Auray.

Intercity coaches


Car 1 - Gare SNCF

Intercity coaches

Dir. Carnac - Quiberon

On the left as you exit the station

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility


Car 5 - Gare SNCF

Intercity coaches

Dir. Baud – Pluvigner

Dir. Sainte-Anne d’Auray – Vannes

On the left as you exit the station

Accessibility for people with disabilities/reduced mobility

Discover the map of the rail network in the region: Bretagne

Discover all the stations, rail and road lines in the region operated by SNCF.

Public transport around the station

The region's network: Breizhgo

The department's network : Les cars en Morbihan