Published on 2 October 2019

Open Beacon

The beacon boxes installed at stations use Bluetooth to improve the guidance system and provide precise and personalised information to passengers. Open Beacon is an open platform to improve everyone’s experience at stations by helping passengers find their way around. It allows third parties to offer apps that use the station guidance information and thus build the services of the station of tomorrow together.


Green Connexions

This is an open innovation challenge to find and test innovative solutions in the field of soft mobility such as car sharing.


Shared Station

Innovating in agile mode also means opening up to startups. We therefore launched the Shared Station challenge in 2015 to encourage startups to create innovative services for stations in the Île-de-France region. The event presents an opportunity to detect, accompany and support the most promising project initiators that fit with passenger needs. Over three days the selected startups will be put on a programme to accelerate their project with feedback about getting set up or the project lifecycle. Some of the selected ideas include breakfast or dinner to cook or ready to eat, basket of fresh fruit and veg from the region, concierge and dry-cleaning services, app for mutual aid between individuals, etc.